I have always been passionate about regenerative farming and sheep, especially Scottish-grown rare-breed sheep with exceptional fleece. A few years ago we made the Saorse Wool Cashmere with Uist Wool. Sadly, both spins are now finished, so imagine my delight when Rachel Crawford from Balmerino Farm visited, just over a year ago today, to offer me the bulk of her clip of outstanding Bowmont Merinos from her regenerative farm just a few miles away. Working with one of my favourite Mills, Laxtons, in Yorkshire, we have created a partnership to make each year a collection of limited-edition, organic, sustainable Scottish Merino yarn, BELL WETHER. The beautiful natural white of the yarn, White Clover, has inspired a range of high drama with luminescent shocking pinks, Pink Zing, reds, Poppy and green, Martini Samphire, standing alongside the softest and dreamy  Ballet Pink, Sea Mist, Garnet and Maple with a high contrast dark French navy – Bleu Marine!